Sabrina Pocketfold Invitation


This white Pocket Fold features a laser cut glitter belly band that has the perfect amount of sparkle. This invitation is a fully paper suite featuring gold digitally printed lettering on nice white shimmer cardstock and comes in a Tri fold pocket with a laser cut belly band. Simply remove the belly band and open the flap to unveil the invitation. You can also jazz this suite up a bit by adding a gold acrylic monogram initial(s) instead of the belly band.



Format:Pocket & Wrap

Pocket Dimensions: 5×7(W X H)(No.010 Ivory Shimmer)

Insert Cards Dimensions: 120 X 170 Mm(W X H)

Paper Backer: 125 X 175 Mm (W X H) (no.G223  Gold)

lasercut pocket